5.01 — 15.04
10 недель

Alchemy Generative Course Starts January 28 (10 weeks)

Amelko ©
Slide 1

The course "Generative Alchemy" is now accepting designers, offering tools for creativity. It opens the door to its own voice, using Misha Katz's method.

Misha Katz

Misha Katz, co-founder of Method, is a designer, mentor, and speaker.
ex strategic 3D solutions architect @ Reddit


© Anisimova
Poster with generative art
© Vova Ayuev
© Amelko
Poster with generative art
© Mitya Andrievsky
Амелько синий и серый кристалл
© Amelko
© Anisimova
Orange shapes on light blue background
© Amelko
Oko eye black and white
© Karpysheva
Постер Вова Аюев
© Vova Ayuev
Badri generative art circles
© Badri
Klygin generative artwork
© Klygin
Маша Касаткина постер
© Masha Kasatkin
Korneichuk generative art
© Korneichuk
© Lenberg
Lenberg generative art
© Lenberg
Eye test
© Shevchuk
Mazur generative art letter H
© Mazur
Masha Kasatkina
© Masha Kasatkina
© Pekarsky
Slovo Masha Kasatkina
© Masha Kasatkina

Projects of the course

How the course is structured

Weekly module (10 modules)

Calendar plan

Module stream

The instructor presents and explains the material for the weekly module topic. Students ask questions in the stream chat, which are read by a moderator. The instructor answers as many as time allows. During the stream, the instructor introduces the week’s topic, formulates tasks, and provides strategies for solving them or completing weekly assignments.

After the stream, the material is available as a recording for asynchronous study.

Independent work

Independent work is carried out both privately (building models, rendering, publishing as needed) and publicly (posting progress, reviewing each other’s work, Q&A in workshop channels, such as discussions on software usage).

Throughout the week, the instructor shares insights in a curator channel within the course community. They monitor overall progress, provide guidance, address gaps, share helpful resources, and, if necessary, upload technical videos or tutorials.

Feedback stream

This is a feedback session where the instructor provides detailed reviews of completed and correctly formatted work. Requirements for exercises and course projects are published alongside the course content. Each task has clear guidelines for formatting and publication. Proper formatting is a key part of success, both within and beyond the course.

A class leader will review submissions before the stream to help avoid common mistakes and obvious issues. This ensures streams remain dynamic, productive, and within time limits.

Public activity

Project materials, both intermediate and final, are intended for social media publication unless explicitly stated otherwise (e.g., when results need to be kept confidential for a greater impact later). Knowing how to present work properly on social platforms and share the creative process is crucial for a successful creative career.

The course teaches best practices for doing this and fosters a habit of building an audience around your creativity everywhere and always.

Community collaboration

The "Alchemy" course cannot be effectively completed in isolation, even by the most brilliant student. Attempting to do so would be a counterproductive challenge.

The course community is a unique, positive, and productive environment. Members are united by a shared interest, but each has their own identity, approach, and way of thinking. This mutual enrichment of ideas, skills, and techniques is highly effective. The course emphasizes maintaining a healthy, constructive environment free of toxicity—a principle proven successful countless times.

Course project

Outside of a fully realized project, even the most remarkable works remain just pictures. In "Alchemy," every participant creates complete, non-"student" projects, both individual and collaborative.

Each project results in something tangible and professional—whether physical or digital. These projects are published, sold, and serve to promote the creator.


Main working stack of the course: Cinema 4D (Redshift / Octane), Plasticity, Blender (Eevee / Cycles).

Cinema 4D
Eevee / Cycles

Stand out

Together, we’ll ensure that as many professionals and potential clients as possible discover the quality of your work through social media. We’ll teach you how to post frequently, engagingly, and effectively.


Each student receives feedback in different formats, clearly understanding where to develop and their works.

Максим Кулемза
Михаил Скрипин
Александр Ковалевский


Comment on your work, help you figure things out and get to the result.

Маша Мокшанцева
Катерина fraumuller
Дима Беседин


Here, you can ask for feedback or help. But your opinion will also be valuable to others.


Misha Katz

He carefully monitors each student's work and appears in the chat exactly when you need his help.


Professional community

The public presentation of your work at the end of the course allows you to receive feedback from professionals.

Student reviews

Tanya Akhmetgalieva
Tanya Ahmetgaliyeva

Every day, I learned at an incredible pace! I discovered so many new things, both technically and in terms of organizing my work. I can see that it works—amazingly well. I can see my progress and how much it has expanded all my possibilities.

Стас Хрусталёв
Stas Khrustalev
partner of the studio Just Be Nice

Immersion in the process, conversations with Misha, and creativity. It’s both a community experience and a celebration of individuality.

I now carry the knowledge and techniques into new projects, with a deeper understanding of their importance. “At times, I didn’t quite know where I was or what I was supposed to do, but I recognized my maturity and answered those questions myself.”

Perfect for those who feel stuck or a little worn out.

Liza Benesh
Liza Benesh

The learning process has a cumulative effect—you don’t notice it happening, but somehow it does. You’re constantly working on a project, tackling tasks that aren’t straightforward but more indirect. This stretches your mind and fuels your creativity. Misha’s tips may be small, but they’re incredibly valuable. They break the rules in ways no tutorial could ever teach.

In the end, I grew in my own eyes. The people are incredibly talented, and it’s amazing to witness others’ processes. That alone boosts learning, motivates, and inspires. You see different approaches, embrace this concept, and live within it. It unites everyone around a common goal.

I’m deeply impressed by the group, the projects, and what people have achieved. It’s incredibly inspiring. Being a part of this is something to be proud of.

Perfect for artists looking to level up.

Alexandr Timofeev

The most valuable thing, I’d say, were my own revelations that came when Misha gave me a “couple of days off.” Everything fell into place like a puzzle when I realized that this whole experience was about me. And in the end, I was truly satisfied with the result.

Сергей Максимов
Sergey Maksimov
graphic, communication designer

The desire to create for myself emerged, along with a cool technical skill—the ability to produce the image I envisioned. It felt natural for me, and I enjoyed the process. I tried something I hadn’t done before, and it worked out. My creative potential opened up: observing the world, paying attention to details, and a newfound desire for self-expression.

I asked questions about both philosophical and technical aspects. I learned to show my own activity so that others would also engage.

Every week had a breakthrough moment. There was form without substance, but here, substance appeared.

Rina Sokolova
Rina Sokolova
3D artist

A warm, fantastic community. I was missing this kind of interaction, and I found it here. It’s always interesting to communicate, to learn something new. Misha’s way of thinking as a teacher is fascinating—you try to read between the lines. Misha never says anything without purpose.

During the process, it’s not so obvious that you’re growing, but when you look back, you get that “oh wow!” feeling.

Рустам Мушраипов
Rustam Mushraipov

Misha was very supportive, always finding and pointing out interesting things. Even when the criticism was tough, it was delivered without negativity, and it was so relevant that I never felt offended by the feedback. It’s valuable to discover what I want in life, what interests me, where I’m going, and who I am, and to understand what can be showcased about me. It’s a solid experience that changes your perception.

The course shakes things up. It transforms a dull, somewhat burnout life into a joyful one. It’s challenging to go through, but it’s worth it because something changes afterward. Life starts to feel more interesting, and when you go outside, you see countless objects that you could shape, create, or turn into something new.

Гридасова Настя
Nastya Gridasova

I realized that I want to be an artist and that I can give myself a chance.

The course shook me, but in a good way. It reminded me that I can think critically. It’s amazing how my mind can start working and accelerate a topic, reimagining it.

Everything was valuable. The way the course was presented. There’s a course script, and it’s interesting to fill out the survey. I was often surprised, thinking, “Does this relate to our course? But these are really interesting questions. This isn’t even about 3D, Misha thought about that too.” The feedback from Misha and his experience were crucial. It’s important to follow someone, to be inspired by them. It’s amazing how easily he can tell so many fascinating stories. And the materials he provides are nothing like anyone else’s.


Can split the payment


164 000 руб.

This price is available only now; the next launch will be more expensive.

With a mentor

164 000 руб.

Limited spots available, and the results are impressive.

Fill out the application

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